Return of the spammers!

Friends, according to the latest spam commenters, it appears my blog has become so boring, it’s got some of them speaking in tongues.

Yesterday, my spam box gave me these fabulous gems:

“Hey, you used to write great, but the last few posts have been kinda boring¡K I miss your tremendous writings. Past few posts are just a little bit out of track! come on!”

“Hello! eeekgba interesting eeekgba site! I’m really like it! Very, very eeekgba good!”

“Hello! dakeeef interesting dakeeef site! I’m really like it! Very, very dakeeef good!”

It appears that while I thought my blog was “dakeeef,” some readers feel I’ve lost my mojo.

These thought provoking comments have me brainstorming on how to make this blog “eeekgba” good again.

I’m also wondering when I stopped writing “eeekga” posts and became “kinda boring.”

Hence, if you have any suggestions on how to get this blog “back on track,” or have any ideas that could help me churn out my earlier “tremendous writings,” I’d be grateful if you would leave your suggestions in the box.

Not the spam box.
The comment box.

Just remember, they have to be “eeekgba” ideas if I’m to make this site “dakeeef” again.

In the meantime, I’m joining Heidi’s Black and White Wednesday.

(Never you mind that it’s Thursday. Heidi keeps her link tool open for three days for anyone who wants to join the fun.)

I leave you with captures of Roxy’s perspective from yesterday’s outing at the park,

I hope you find them “eeekgba”!


What funny comments have made their way into your spam box?

60 thoughts on “Return of the spammers!

    1. hahaha! Amber, thank you! You’ve made my day, sister! I’m glad to see your comment grace my page. I’ve missed you! :)

  1. Okay, in that first photo, Roxy looks like shes on the lookout for spammers. From her gaze, I deduce she may even have spotted one of those who claim you’ve lost your mojo. The photo of the bike whizzing by is fantastic! I love how it captures the movement while keeping Roxy in sharp, perfect view, with not a hint of blurriness. I don’t know why, but whenever I see Roxy in B&W, she looks so philosophical, pensive, and wise beyond her breed. Love it! ;)

    1. bwhahaha! Monica, thanks for making me laugh! Indeed, it would seem little Roxy’s on the lookout for spammers! hee hee! Thank you for your praise, sister, but I feel I should tell you there’s no expertise involved in the photo with the bike whizzing by. It’s sheer luck that I clicked the shutter button and this was the final result! Even if I am her mom, I do have to agree with you regarding Roxy seeming wise beyond her years in black and white. Jann once said that Roxy reminded her of a Buddha dog and I agree! hee hee! :)

  2. So it’s still cool enough for people (and Roxy) to wear jackets there? Here, we’ve had an unusually warm early Spring. My Sheltie, with his thick double coat, spends a lot of time just looking for a cool spot to nap! Those spammers are funny — and it’s funny seeing what they searched for to arrive at my blog!

    1. Debbie, yesterday and today, I went out without a jacket. Roxy is still wearing a lighter little tee. I can’t wait for the warmer weather to finally make an appearance. We’re slowing getting there but it’s still not in full effect. I can imagine how your Sheltie would be hankering for a cool spot in the heat, poor dear! I also think it’s hilarious to see the search terms they use to arrive at our blogs. Oh my goodness! :)

  3. oh my gosh, this post has me rolling! i have actually gotten that one that says my posts used to be interesting but are now boring haha….haven’t had the pleasure of the eeekgba or dakeef…so funny!

    now on to some serious stuff, that roxy is a cute! coming to visit from b & w wednesday!

    1. Tanya, hello and welcome! So happy to have you swing by! I’m delighted you found this post funny. I have to admit I was chuckling as I wrote it. Poor spammers. If only they knew! Roxy thanks you for your kind words! :)

  4. I had a spammer to tell me I was their inhalation. I was impressed and in awe. I didn’t know I had that kind of power.

    What you can do to get your blog on track is to start showing a little skin, Bella. I’m about to. You know, pull your sleeves up and show your wrists and elbows. I’m sure there are some knee-loving men out there. Show that too. Let’s get it pumpin’ over here again. :-)

    1. Totsy, bwhahaha! Oh my goodness, woman, how you make me laugh! I’m hoping summer will arrive soon so we can show some of the “goods” unexposed! But then, what might happen to the spammer who thinks you’re his inhalation? He might just smother himself to death when he sees you baring skin! ha! Methinks I might have to take your advice and expose some knees in order to get my dakeeef back! :)

  5. lollll :-D Bella, darling, if you had any more mojo – er – dakeeef, I mean, you’d need a content warning. ;-)

    1. Ellen, you’ve made my day! Truly! Thank you! I was beginning to think my dakeeef had gone AWAL! It’s good to know you don’t think so! :)

    1. bwhahaha! Roxy thought the same thing, lady! I had her carefully watching for anyone who might look, you know, spammerish. Roxy signalled with her tiny nose that the last man fit the profile. ha! Methinks he might be in cahoots with the one who told you that you were looking for attention! hee hee! :)

  6. I usually just delete the spam (I see I’m missing a whole source of entertainment) and move on to see what search terms drove people to my site. My most recent favorite search term was “how to sleep through a rooster crowing”. Not a question that’s answered on my site but I DID have a jerk of a neighbor who had a rooster for a few days and I DID figure out how to make their life more miserable than mine so they got rid of it so I could sleep.

    1. Nora, it would seem that in you case, the search terms gave you the little push you needed to rid yourself of the rambunctious rooster! Who knew! hee hee! You should definitely check out your spam. On occasion, it serves to provide you with a few chuckles! :)

  7. Bella, I so love these photos of Roxy on her walk. I wish my spam was as exciting as yours, my box is usually filled with offers for penis enlargement drugs.. now that may be useful if i had a pe….

    1. hahaha! Would you believe I just got a spam message by someone whose email addy is “Generic Viagra”? I mean, really? I get the spam you mention in hotmail all the time. I think they must suspect that male hotmail users may be experiencing size-related problems! hee hee! I’m so happy you like Roxy’s shots! :)

  8. I wish I had entertaining spam. Mine is all in some foreign language or a jumble of code or something. Not a coherent (actual) sentence in the bunch. Great pictures from Roxy’s POV.

    1. Julie, Roxy’s tickled pink you like her photos! I get that foreign language spam as well, lady. Or I should say, configuration of letters and numbers. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I’d be in real trouble! hee hee! :)

  9. Spammers should have all their credit cards hijacked by the guy in the next cubical over in the spamm-o-blog business. Ugh!!!

    Delightful to see Roxy being her fashionable self after her naked puppy shot indignities. It was a close call!

    1. bwhahaha! Oh my goodness, you are a riot! I love, love, love your sense of humor! Promise me that if you’re ever in Spain during the summer, we’ll meet for a glass, or glasses, of vino! hee hee! Wait till you see Roxy’s new duds! My mom sent her a new dress that will knock your socks off! :)

  10. —Bella,
    I’ve recieved the same SPAM. –You are boring. I found you thru my cousin.– Blahhhh.

    I can’t stand those ass-wipes! I mean, I seriously want to grab their icky-ness and choke them!

    I recieved a REAL comment the other day, which was not spam….It said “You are fat and ugly and I hope you go to hell.”

    I emailed them back ( stupid, I know ) but I found their email and said, “Hey Asshole, what’s wrong? Do you feel safe sitting behind your computer?”

    I couldn’t help myself. I had to do this. I still kept the email (just in case ) ….

    Anyhow, What makes people do this kind of stuff?

    Love to you and my sweet Roxy. xx

    1. Kim, in my experience, these lost souls are full of self loathing and have nothing better to do with their time than tear people down. Lucky for you you’re such a beautiful, fantastic, and wonderful human being! Emailing may not have been everyone’s choice but I’m a firm believer that you do what you need to do to channel your frustration, or rage, or both! Maybe the reason this person continues to be a hater is because no one has put him or her in his or her place! Good for you! My nana used to say that the only way to beat a bully was to confront him/her and it sounds like you did just that! I agree with you–anonymity does allow some people to feel entitled to disrespect others. Perhaps we should get one of those emoticon that “flip off” our offenders! hee hee! Roxy and I send much love your way! :)

  11. And yet your spammer keep coming back for more. hehe! I love those black and white photos dear. I usually keep getting the redundant one like, “OMG, did you make that?” Uhhm, YES once again, I am a designer remember! How many times must I teeeelll you? But, I leave it alone, as there must be others who buy things and say that they made it, haha! *whilst thinking happy thoughts, I’m trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. lol

    Have a great weekend Bella! Hope you get your bloody “eeekga” groove back! :-)

    1. Lady, I’ve missed you! It makes me so happy to see your lovely comment grace my page! Sadly, our “friends” the spammers are everywhere. I delete their comments and the keep popping up like a Jack-in-the-box! Here’s hoping you have a fabulous weekend yourself! I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll be successful in recovering my eeekgba! ha! :)

  12. I love Roxy’s chic leash (anything with a leopard print)!! My spam blocker is so good that I never bother reading the spam–just a click and the junk is gone. But I’m quite sure it’s saying all kinds of hateful things! :)

    1. Jann, are you an animal print lover too? Roxy and I love, love animal print, especially when pink is involved as well! The Akismet blocker is wonderful at blocking the spam but we can still see it in our spam box. It’s quite hilarious at times. I’m sure yours would give you quite a chuckle as well! :)

    1. Ariana, Roxy’s cheeky that way! hee hee! Poor spammers! I should have told them that with me, once is never enough! ha! :)

  13. Nonsense! People are so fickle it isn’t even funny. All your posts are insightful, sensitive and funny. If some don’t like that let them write their own posts! Try and remember you can’t please all the people all the time. Hugs, Elizabeth.

  14. Bella,
    You are totally wonderful and dakeeef, whatever that means. Looks like someone’s cat walked over the keyboard. I got a similar post, though I’m not dakeeef, dang it. Makes you wonder if someone or someones out there need a bit more of a life.

    Another bit, pursuant to your panther-walk post. Took your advice, sashayed that thang up and down the street and got me some looks. Butts are in. Totally. I grew up in the skinny seventies when everything was supposed to be flat.

    Thanks for your note on my wrist situation. Typing with two hands now – figured it out with pillows and props etc. It’s slow but it works!

    1. Eloise, you have made me laugh and laugh with this comment! The Son and the Signficant Other asked what was causing me so much mirth and I read it to them. They laughed too! I grew up in the 70’s and trust me, my bubble butt was my cross to bear. I’m thrilled you shook your bootyliciousness and got your some stares! Good for you! hee hee! I’m glad your wrist is getting better–or is it your ability to be crafty with pillows and props? ha! Keep shaking it, sister! :)

    2. Thanks, glad it got a rise out of the guys (did I say that? Terrible pun.) I’m now working on the muffin top. I chalk this up to age 8).

      I think only men designed clothes back in the ‘seventies. No pair of jeans fit, *ever*. They were always creeping up; I won’t say where. And if you weren’t Cheryl Tiegs – 5’10” and 110 lbs – you were popping out somewhere. Thank God for Lycra!

      Wrist surgery Monday. Should be getting me some real nice drugs. I’ll be shaking everything everywhere!

      Thanks for the note!

    3. Eloise, I’m convinced the fashion industry uses elves as models. My goodness! I don’t know what I’d do without the occasional elastic band of yoga pants! (Never you mind that it’s been years since I did any yoga!) hee hee! I refuse to have a muffin top, though. If jeans don’t accommodate all this jelly, I size up. I don’t have a problem with buying a bigger size as long as it fits better. I wish you luck on your surgery. I hope the pain killers serve to give you a mellow buzz that takes the edge off the pain. Good luck and take care, friend! :)

    4. Bella, I, too, no longer attach any import to sizes, They seem to vary widely from brand to brand, so what the heck. I haven’t done yoga in years either and I live in yoga pants. And, I actually don’t do the muffin-top jeans anymore – I just have the added padding 8).

      I’ll be sure to blog on my hospital experience and the lovely pharmaceuticals that are sure to follow,

      I truly enjoy your blog and our exchanges. I do treasure a refined sense of humor and you most definitely have a superb one!

      Have a lovely rest of the weekend!

    5. Eloise, you and yoga pants too? hee hee! They’re so comfortable, aren’t they? I’m very much looking forward to your pharmaceutical blog posts. I shall live vicariously through you, friend! ha! I’m tickled pink you enjoy the blog and our girl talk. That makes two of us. I love it when members of the sisterhood connect and if laughter brings them together, all the better! Thank you for you kind words, lady. Rest up and good luck on Monday! :)

    6. Bella, thank you for your consideration, thoughts and good wishes. I’m so glad we’ve connected and have become good friends. I’ll let you know how it goes; may be a day or two before I can type 8(. Thanks girlfriend!

  15. Great photos, as always!

    As for the spam box, it’s either offering me to increase my blog traffic (I’m supposed to click on their link, and, for some reason, they post it on very old posts in which there are only links to some of the reviews I wrote), or offering me Viagra or something so I can make her scream in pleasure.

    1. “Viagra or something so I can make her scream in pleasure”—bwhahahaha! Ivana, those spammer sure have a sense of humor, don’t they? And really, shouldn’t they be sending the Viagra to the male bloggers or are we supposed to take care of that too? hee hee! I’m delighted you like the photos! Thank you! :)

  16. Bella, my friend, you are the very pinnacle of eeekgba-ness!
    The glowing, wise and dakeeef-est of all of us.
    Never, never change!
    And don’t let anyone tell you that you are boring!
    Why, just a shot of our little Roxie would brighten anyone’s sky!
    And then there’s the twin added bonuses (bonusi?) of your always beautifully-chosen words and your so-fun responses.
    I’m sticking around . . .

    1. Diane, it’s official: your kind words have just prompted me to do a happy dance on this Saturday eve! Thank you! You have no idea how much it means for me to read them! I’m honored to have you stick around and know that the feeling is mutual. I find your home and family stories captivating. That’s why I keep coming back for more! :)

    1. Laura, friend, your blog could never be boring! I love, love it! Methinks these spammers just have too much free time on their hands. That’s all! :)

    1. Hello and welcome, Megha! I like your saying of “Spammers will be spammers.” I think that’s absolutely right! I agree with you–blogs can become monotonous if the content is repetitious. That’s why I try to mix it up here as best I can! hee hee! Thanks for dropping by, sweetie! Hugs for you! :)

    1. Paz, I know I can always count on your to say the right thing. Thank you! I’m dropping by your blog this weekend and catching up with all your lovely shots! :)

  17. Your posts are eeekgba and dakeeef great, and your spammers are a linguistically creative bunch. But, oh never mind them people-behind-templates, the pictures of Roxy are delicious … :)

  18. Spammers never leave anything intelligent on my blog. It might be a full page of advertisements or a ‘great take on this subject’ and it could be a recipe. I wonder if there a blog somewhere that allows such things to be posted. The ones that scare me are written in languages that are picturesque and I have no idea what they are saying. Yikes! I’d rather be eeekgba and dakeef. I think that means ‘Great!’

    1. Renee, I think your blog is very eeekgba and dakeef! hee hee! I wouldn’t mind if spammers left the occasional recipe in my spam box. I seem to be cooking the same thing over and over lately. Send the cooking spammers my way, lady! :)

  19. You are far from boring, Lady! Those spammers have a lot to learn about boring. Besides, that first guy was just plain rude. Love the black and white shots of Roxy. That dog is very photogenic!

    1. Annie, thank you for your faith in me! It is much appreciated. Roxy is over the moon that you think she’s photogenic! The little minx just hams it up for the camera. Although I have to say I love her “look to the side” pensive shots too! Thank you, Annie! :)

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