A day at the beach as charity?

Last week, the lovely Amber from “A Day Without Sushi,” started a project that involves giving something up to help those in need.

Her concept is simple: Give something up, blog about it, and donate the money to your favorite charity.

Amber has made it even easier by including in her post, a list of charities that allow text donations.

I feel this is a wonderful opportunity to show we can pay it forward; that we can put the needs of others before our own.

So what did I give up?

Yesterday, the Significant Other invited me to lunch.

The idea of not having to cook on a hot, Sunday afternoon was tempting, but still I resisted and suggested we donate the money we would’ve spent on lunch to our favorite charity, UNICEF.

So instead of a fancy lunch, we went to the beach with Roxy.

In keeping with the idea of not spending any money, we brought a packed lunch and a thermos with coffee.

At the end of the day, not only did we have a wonderful time, we felt great about being able to contribute to this noble cause.

Here are some photos of our day at the beach.
Cost: $0.00

I suggested to the Significant Other we drive off in these, since there was a blue and a pink one, but he thought they were too girly.
The Significant Other said he would drive off in this vintage bike, even if it was rusty.
Roxy, excited to be at the beach, even if she can't go in the water.
Who would've thought giving to charity could be this much fun?

Won’t you please spread the word and join us?

If you decide to do so, don’t forget to link back.

You can do that here, as well as read other posts from bloggers who’ve decided it’s cool to be generous.